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Welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Meilany Rodriguez and I am a third grade teacher at Sango Elementary this year. I am so excited to get to work with students and help lead them through their educational journey this year. This is my 6th year teaching at Sango. I am originally from Miami, Florida. My family is from Cuba and I am bilingual. I enjoy sponsoring the Sango Spanish Club. I moved back to Clarksville 7 years ago. My husband is an active duty helicopter pilot, and together we have 2 children Matthew, age 13, and Leila, age 6. When I am not at school, my family and I enjoy camping and going to Disney World.
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My classroom expectations follow the Sango Elementary School Behavior Plan. 

School Wide Behavior Plan will be discussed on the first day of school. A letter will be sent home explaining the plan. Please keep it for a reference during the year.

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

These expectations will be discussed at the beginning of the year and as needed throughout the school year.

Classroom Books